The compilation was made from various works, magazines, catalogs, information from breeders, the CPVO EU Variety database and the authors’ own findings. It follows mainly the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP).
Each cultivar is provided with its own number, which should make a problem-free identification possible. This number is coded in such a way that after the designation SRL (= Schlumbergera Rhipsalidopsis List), the assignment to a group (Sch for Schlumbergera, Rhi for Rhipsalidopsis) is made. Then the year of inclusion is indicated. In that case, name and registration number will be in bold. If there are four letters x here, this means that the information on the cultivar was taken from the literature and is not based on a registrant’s application. The last item is the registration number.
New applications for inclusion must comply with the ICNCP regulations. We will be happy to assist you with the formalities. Please use the application form provided by us. We reserve the right to reject applications if they do not comply with ICNCP regulations. There is no legal right to an inclusion in the list.
The inclusion in this list does not imply the creation of Plant Breeder’s Rights, patents or other rights to a name.
If you have missing information about individual hybrids, we would be grateful if you would send it to us.
Additions to hybrids can be made free of charge. Please use the registration forms.