List of Hybridizers

Abbey Brook Nurseries Abbey Brook Nurseries, Derbyshire, England: Cactus nursery in Matlock, Derbyshire, England.

Adda Abendroth Adda Abendroth, Brazil: Hobbyist in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1898–1974), who collected plants in the region around Teresópolis.

Adrian McMillan – Adrian John Stuart McMillan (1911-2008), England: Mac (his nickname) was very knowledgeable in the field of Christmas Cacti (as well as other areas). Together with J. F. Horobin he wrote the famous book on Christmas Cacti (The genus Schlumbergera and its hybrids). He also was an active writer for the Epiphytes Journal. Many of his hybrids start with the name Bristol (like ‘Bristol Sunbeam’). A.J.S. McMillan died on 4 March 2008.

Adrian Roberts – Adrian Roberts, Classic Winds Nursery, Sydney, Australia: Former owner of Classic Winds Nursery.

Alfred Gräser – Alfred Gräser (1893–1977), Nuremberg, Germany: developed the first cross between Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri and Rhipsalidopsis rosea in 1928. This crossing between these two botanic species has been named after him. Rhipsalidopsis × graeseri.

André Norman – SwedenBreeding focus has been creating double flower Schlumbergeras in various shapes and colours. André was the first breeder to present a double yellow flower Schlumbergera in early 2021, named ‘Laila Norman’ after his grandmother. He also developed the first double flowering Queen in late 2021.

Andrew Savio Andrew Dominic Savio, Croydon, Victoria, Australia: famous breeder from Australia.

Angela Erwin – Angela R. Erwin, Rhode Island, USA: hobby breeder with a focus on Queens.

Anna Galvas Anna Galvas, Germany: collector. Hybridizing on small scale.

Antonio Palomo Cadenas Antonio Palomo Cadenas, Spain: collector with large collection. Antonio has produced many hybrids over the years. Often involving strange forms like ‘Laranja Dobrada’ as one of the parents, and as a result new flower forms and colors.

Atsuta Yoshio Atsuta Yoshio: no further information available at this time.

August Bebel August Bebel, Quedlinburg, Germany: cactus collector and breeder from Quedlinburg, Germany.

Barnell L. Cobia Barnell Larry Cobia, USA: the most important Schlumbergera nursery in the USA in the second half of the last century, who achieved the objective of the first yellow flowering Schlumbergera in 1982
after a project that took 15 years. M.E. Cobia (1992) describes that they started by selecting the most promising research varieties which then were propagated by repeated self-pollination. They thus produced ca. 50,000 seedlings which were grown up and evaluated. They obtained one variety with a true yellow flower but an unattractive bush form. This variety was then
hybridized with a white-flowering cultivar showing an excellent growth habit. Of this cross, about 200 seeds were grown, resulting in 150 yellow–flowering
offspring. One of these was perfect and named ‘Gold Charm’. In 1988, two further cultivars were released by B.L. Cobia Inc., i.e. Schlumbergera ‘Christmas Flame’, a ‘Gold Charm’ mutation with darker yellow flowers, and Schlumbergera ‘Cambridge’. Other important hybrids developed include ‘Bridgeport’, ‘Aspen’ and ‘Ascot’, all with fringed flowers. The Cobia nursery company was eventually sold and later closed down.

Betty Winton Betty Winton, Australia: grower and seller of Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis plants. Nursery at Douglas Park, NSW, bought from Mr. Atherton.

Bill Baker’s Nursery Bill Baker’s Nursery, Reseda, California, USA: Donna Marie Baker (2018) runs her late husband unique garden and Cactus and Succulent Nursery located in the San Fernando Valley in Tarzana.

Blackburns Blackburns of Woodplumpton, Lancashire, England: no further information available at this time.

Brindley’s Nurseries Brindley’s Nurseries, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia: Graeme and Tony Brindley met Cobia in Florida in 1984. Cobia at that time had new Schlumbergera hybrids. Brindley’s Nurseries took cuttings of Gold Charm to Australia. Graeme and Tony Brindley continued visiting Cobia in Florida. Brindley’s Nurseries secured the Australian and New Zealand rights to Cobia’s Schlumbergera hybrids. The larger flowering varieties were marketed under the Showcase Zygo™ name and the improved regular varieties marketed under the Zygo Fantasies™ name. Graeme Brindley helped by Larry Cobia has continued to breed new Schlumbergera varieties for Australia.

California Epi Center California Epi Center, USA: California Epi center, no longer exists however was a long time seller of epiphytic cacti. Currently known as Rainbow Gardens.

Carinya Collector’s Nursery Carinya Collector’s Nursery, Markville, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Carmel Metcalfe Carmel Metcalfe, Queensland, Australia: private breeder from Gympie, Queensland, Australia. The nursery was sold to D.J. & A.A. Smith.

CB Cactus Breeding I/S CB Cactus Breeding I/S: a (former) partnership between Johan de Vries Potplantencultures (Nteherlands) and a number of Danish growers, Gartneriet PKM, Garneriet Rohde, Jörn Hansson.

Christian Hald Madsen Breeder at the PKM nursery in Denmark, not related to Poul and Kristian Madsen.

David Lunde David Lunde: no further information available at this time.

Davies – Mrs. J. Davies, Sydney, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Des & Merriel Ellery Des & Merriel Ellery, Australia: breeders and former owners of the Buena Vista Nursery, Rossmore, NSW, Australia.

Des Ellery Des Ellery (1930-2023), Rossmore, Australia: breeder and former owner of the Buena Vista Nursery, Rossmore, NSW, Australia. From 1964 on they produced many hybrids. From 1993 on these were labeled with the prefix ‘Rossmore’.

Dolly Kölli Dolly Kölli (1930-2015), USA: Dolly was very interested in botanics. Besides the cultivation of lilies she was strongly occupied with the cultivation and breeding of Schlumbergera. Many beautiful hybrids were developed by her using S. orssichiana as one of the parents. She was also the first to grow virus free S. orssichiana clones, out of seed that was produced and provided to her by Eckhard Meier (via Rudolf Tröster). S. orssichiana clones from the wild, but both virus infected were the source. She also made very accurate notes about her plants and documented it carefully. These notes are still of great interest and can be found on the website of the EPIG society ( She was always willing to share her material. Thomas Boyle and Dolly Kölli shared their ideas about breeding. Dolly Kölli died (29th July 2015), but is in the memory of many of her friends in the USA and Germany.

Dutch Windmill Nursery The Dutch Windmill Garden And Gift Centre, Jandakot, WA, Australia: closed down.

Eckhard Meier Eckhard Meier (1938-2022), Diez, Germany: very knowledgeable collector from Germany who wrote many articles including a list of Rhipsalidopsis hybrids that formed the basis for the list.

Edi Day Edi Day, Switzerland: private collector from Switzerland.

Edwin Hoare Edwin B. Hoare, Lismore, Australia: very active private breeder from Lismore, NSW, Australia up to 1992. He was the first to gather information on all Australian hybrids.

Еkaterina Kazankina – Еkaterina Kazankinad: no further information available at this time.

EpiWorld EpiWorld: no further information available at this time.

Everson & Williams Everson & Williams, Rainbow Gardens, Vista, California, USA: visit after appointment only.

Flemming Rohde Flemming Rohde: Flemming Rohde had his own nursery called Rohde A/S in Denmark. He joined with Rosa Danica in 2010 and became the chief hybridizer for Rosa Danica.

Frank Rohde Frank Rohde, Kertiminde, Denmark: Nursery Rohde’s A/S. The Rhode nursery and the breeding rights of the famous Brazil Series of Schlumbergera joined the Rosa Danica nursery in 2010.

Frank Süpplie Frank Süpplie, Netherlands: founder of the Epiphytic Plant Research And Information Centre (E.P.R.I.C.).

Funnel Mrs. Funnel: no further information available at this time.

Gerhard Buys Gerhard Buys, South Africa: plants were all developed with fast growth, enhanced disease resistance, heat resistance and either pendant or upright growing shape in mind. Gerhard lives in an agricultural area where large scale farming of various plants (vegetables), mushrooms, animals as well as birds are farmed. This increases the likelihood of airborne and waterborne (rain) fungus related and other disease infections. On top of that there is an aim to produce very small flower size as well as very large flower sizes. He is trying to create a “shy” flower form with minimal recurve of the petals. Succeeded in breeding one variety (‘Dusty Pink’) that would some seasons produce small sharp pointed flowers half the size of normal Schlumbergera flowers but the very next season it may throw back and produce standard sized flowers and would again the following season revert to the small flowers. It is still very much an unknown quantity and would likely require further breeding to stabilise.

Gilbert Wrightson Gilbert Wrightson: no further information available at this time.

Glenhirst Nurseries Glenhirst Nurseries, Swineshead, England: Cactus and Palm nursery in Swineshead, Lincolnshire, England.

Gordon Rollason Gordon Rollason, Johannesburg, South Africa: collector and breeder of some strong yellow/red colored hybrids like ‘Sangeeta’ and the older ‘Frances Rollason’.

Graeme Brindley Graeme Brindley, Brindley’s Nurseries, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia: See Brindley’s Nurseries.

Greenlight Nursery Greenlight Nursery, Moorland, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Griffin Griffin, New York, USA: no further information available at this time.

Günther Noller Günther Noller, Germany: a very knowledgeable grower from Germany. Performed many crosses on all types of epiphytic cacti, including Schlumbergera.

Gustav Haage Gustav Ferdinand Haage (1830–1921), Germany: owner of the famous cactus nursery Haage in Erfurt, Germany.

Hall Mrs. Hall, Marlborough, Queensland, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Harry Higaki Harry Higaki, California, USA: no further information available at this time.

Hashizume Hashizume: no further information available at this time.

Hattori Kazumi Hattori Kazumi: no further information available at this time.

Hattori Shoichiro Hattori Shoichiro: no further information available at this time.

Hawkins Nursery Hawkins Nursery, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Hayano Kimiharu Hayano Kimiharu: no further information available at this time.

Helen Barkdoll Helen Barkdoll, La Mesa, California, USA: no further information available at this time.

Hermann Königer Nursery Hermann Königer Nursery, Aalen, Germany: nursery in southern Germany, specialized in cacti, now closed.

Hinson Hinson: no further information available at this time.

Hiroshi Mitsuhashi Hiroshi Mitsuhashi (1950–2016), Ichihara City, Japan: owner of Mitsuhashi Peacock Cactus Garden Nursery in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. In 1977 he opened the nursery. While at the Mitsuhashi Peacock Cactus Garden Nursery, he originated many hybrids of Epicactus, Schlumbergera and Clivia.

Hofland Hofland, Netherlands: Schlumbergera production for wholesale. Also development of new hybrids. Breeders’ rights on specific Schlumbergera cultivars.

Holly Gate Nursery Holly Gate Nursery, Sussex: nursery in Ashington, West Sussex, England.

Ira Slade Ira Slade, Greenlife Gardens, Georgia, USA: no further information available at this time.

Irina Tsymbalist – Irina Tsymbalist, Brest, Belarus: hobby breeder with the goal to grow vertically growing Schlumbergeras.

Ishida Masayuki Ishida Masayuki: no further information available at this time.

Jaap Bosman – Jaap Bosman, The Netherlands: hobby breeder with interest to develop the old cultivars and create new colors.

Jack Lawrie Jack Lawrie, Minto, NSW, Australia: owned Warrawong Nursery at Minto. Closed down.

Jan Kooiman – Jan Kooiman, The Netherlands: hobby breeder of Rhipslidopsis and Schlumbergera with main interest in large and double flowered Schlumbergeras.

Jan Riha Jan Riha, Czech Republic: cactus collector from Czech Republic.

Jo Old Jo M. Old, Allen, Kansas, USA: hobbyist.

Jørgen Andersen Jørgen Kurt Andersen: Jørgen Kurt Andersen is chief hybridizer for Thoruplund.

J. de Vries Potplantencultures b.v. – J. de Vries Potplantencultures b.v. , Aalsmeer, Netherlands: starting of in 1942 it grew into a large nursery. Many new Schlumbegera and Rhipsalidopsis hybrids were developed which are still under Breeders’ rights protection. Now (2020) producing 2.5 million Schlumbergera and 1.5 million Rhipsalidopsis each year.

John Horobin John F. Horobin, England: British horticulturist; editor of ‘Journal of the Epiphytic Plant Study Group’ 1981~; specializes in Schlumbergera. Developed some Schlumbergera hybrids starting with the name ‘Hatherton’. Together with McMillan he wrote the famous book on Christmas Cacti (The genus Schlumbergera and its hybrids).

Johnson Cactus Gardens Johnson Cactus Gardens, Paramount, California, USA: closed.

Joyce Carr Joyce Carr, Woodville Gardens, Australia: very active private breeder from Woodville Gardens, South Australia, Austalia.

June Hollier June Hollier, Buffalo, Victoria, NSW, Australia: private breeder from Buffalo, Victoria, NSW, Australia. Collection was sold.

Kristian Madsen Kristian Madsen, Denmark: son of Poul Madsen and owner of the PKM nursery.

Kurt Petersen Kurt Petersen (1916–1993), Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany: hobbyist, president of the German Cactus Society (DKG) from 1973–1977 and co-founder of the EPIG.

Lau Rasmussen Lau Lindegaard Rasmussen, Fyn, Denmark: breeder at Rohde A/S. ‘Samba Brazil’ is one of his best known hybrids.

Lee Gordon Goodfellow Lee Gordon Goodfellow, Vancouver Island, Canada: the initial breeding goal was to develop crenate type plants similar to the old fashioned S. × buckleyi, but in a varied colour range, specifically oranges and yellows. In recent years, the planned crosses led to some novel BT type plants that were small to miniature growers. These ‘little guys’ changed the focus to “little”. Some of these have been small enough not to outgrow a 10 cm pot. The white flowered cultivar, ‘Little Angel’s Dream’ is the smallest by Lee Goodfellow produced to date. This one was grown from seed in 2013, and has never outgrown an 8 cm pot. Most of the resulting plants have been BT types having a slight tendency toward slightly asymmetrical flowers and the odd apical dentation. He is aiming with two new crosses for a few with more symmetrical flowers. Presently (2020), waiting on a small grower with wide crenate phylloclades and a white bud! The bud is shorter than normal. Maybe this is the one! The second blooming on this will tell the true story. A grower friend in the USA once told Lee Goodfellow his attempts to develop a white or yellow old fashion Christmas Cactus was like searching for Bigfoot. Well, if Lee Goodfellow develops it, ‘Little Bigfoot’ will be its name.

Leo Cady Leo Cady, Kiama, Australia: former nurseryman in Kiama, NSW. Australia. Retired from ~1995 on.

Leo Kihm Leo Kihm, San Diego, California, USA: no further information available at this time.

Linda Ryan Linda Ryan: no further information available at this time.

Lotte Haage Lotte Haage, Erfurt, Germany: wife of the former owner of the famous cactus nursery Haage,
Erfurt, Germany.

Louis Paduch Louis Paduch, Carver, Maryland: no further information available at this time.

Madsen probably Kristian Madsen: breeder at the PKM nursery in Denmark, not related to Poul and Christian Hald Madsen.

Marga Leue Marga Leue, Haunetal: mainly Epicactus breeder from Haunetal, Germany.

Mario Martins Mario Luciano Martins, Bay City Flower Company: no further information available at this time.

Matsumoto Tamotsu Matsumoto Tamotsu: no further information available at this time.

Matsunaga Takao Matsunaga Takao: no further information available at this time.

McQuown F.R. McQuown, England: no further information available at this time.

Mervyn Wilson Mervyn Wilson, Belmont, NSW, Australia: private breeder from Belmont North, NSW, Australia. Produced some nice hybrids like ‘Cha Cha’.

Miranda van Heden – Miranda van Heden, Belgium: hobby collector and breeder with focus is on queens and double flowers with different attractive colors and shapes. Also collector of botanical species.

Nick Smith Nick Smith: no further information available at this time.

Noel Kretschmann Noel Kretschmann: no further information available at this time.

Norm Cook Norm Cook: no further information available at this time.

North Coast Plant and Nursery North Coast Plant and Nursery: no further information available at this time.

Northern Rivers Plant Nursery Northern Rivers Plant Nursery, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Nunn Rev. R.F. Nunn, Sheffield: no further information available at this time.

Oakleigh Nurseries Oakleigh Nurseries, England: no further information available at this time.

Oiwa Tokuo Oiwa Tokuo: no further information available at this time.

Okumura Katsumasa Okumura Katsumasa: no further information available at this time.

Olga Pokhvalitova – Olga Pokhvalitova, Dnipro, Ukraine: hobby breeder with the goal to grow vertically and compact growing Schlumbergeras.

Otto Voll Otto Voll (1884–1958), Brazil: curator of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro.

Paradise Distributors Paradise Distributors, Nambour, Queensland: owned by Bob and Bev, specialized in rare plants.

Parravicini Mrs. Parravicini, Ingham, North Queensland: no further information available at this time.

Pawlas Pawlas: no further information available at this time.

Peter Cooper Peter Cooper: no further information available at this time.

Phil Knight Phil Knight, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria: no further information available at this time.

PKM PKM, Denmark: large nursery with a limited selection of Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis cultivars for wholesale. Some Breeders’ rights on specific Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis cultivars. Schlumbergera is sold as the Flame™ Series. Rhipsalidopsis is sold as the Fire™ Series.

Poul Madsen Poul Madsen (1917–1989), Denmark: Poul Madsen founded the PKM nursery together with his wife Marie in 1949. From 1960 cultivation of Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis.

Ralph Mangelsdorff Ralph Mangelsdorff, Germany: botanist at the University of Frankfurt. Interested in not common crosses, like ‘Spanish Dancer’, the result of a cross with ‘Starburst’ and the first cross between S. truncata and S. microsphaerica. Broad interest in epiphytic cacti.

Randy Whitton Randy Whitton, Whitton Greenhouses: no further information available at this time.

Redlands Greenhouse Redlands Greenhouse Ltd., Redlands Bay, Queensland, Australia: nursery in Australia.

Reg Norton Reg Norton, Belrose, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Reinhard Schade – Reinhard Schade, Germany: hobby breeder

RHS Wisley RHS Wisley, England: The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. Wisley is one of the world’s great gardens, packed with horticultural inspiration.

Robert & Carmel Metcalfe Robert & Carmel Metcalfe, Queensland, Australia: private breeders from Gympie, Queensland, Australia.

Robert Caldera Robert Caldera, Surrey, England: collector and writer (Epiphytes) from England.

Robert Raward Robert Raward, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia: Rawards Nursery.

Rosa Danica Rosa Danica, Marslev, Denmark: very large nursery founded in 1967 with a limited selection of Schlumbergera cultivars for wholesale. This nursery is the source of the Brazil Series of cultivars. Some Breeders Rights on specific Schlumbergera cultivars. Schlumbergera is sold under the commercial name Tendenza™.

Rudolph Zenneck Rudolph Zenneck, Bad Mergentheim, Germany: hobbyist from Bad Mergentheim, Germany.

Ruud Tropper Ruud Tropper, Netherlands: breeding focus is on large flowers (Queens) and small S. russelliana like flowers both in complementary colors. Crossing of botanic species not done before for DNA research purposes. Furthermore Albiflora type flowers in different forms. The combination of different flowers shapes and colors should lead to new attrative forms. For Rhipsalidopsis in search of a yellow flowering. Botanic species often form the basis.

Scrivener Scrivener, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Sherry Jesberger Sherry Jesberger, Pennsylvania, USA: hobbyist hybridizer. Hybridizer of three Keystone cultivars. Sherry is still (2020) developing new Schlumbergera that will be registered in the near future.

Soda Yoshinori Soda Yoshinori: no further information available at this time.

Susanne Schuhmann Susanne Schuhmann, Germany: hobbyist from Bensheim, Germany.

Sybil Harland Sybil Harland, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Sybil McGregor Sybil McGregor, Leppington, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

Terry Wells Terry Wells, Coraki, NSW, Australia: had an orchid nursery at Lismore.

Thomas Boyle Thomas H. Boyle (1953–2006), Massachusetts, USA: botanist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, working with epiphytic cacti. He wrote many scientific papers on the cultivation and behavior of Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis. He also developed new hybrids that met his standards and that are still around. He was a close friend of Dolly Kölli. They exchanged plant material, ideas and information.

Thoruplund Thoruplund, Denmark: large nursery with a limited selection of Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis cultivars for wholesale. Some Breeders’ rights on specific Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis cultivars. Schlumbergera are sold under the commercial name Thor™.

Tobey W.B. Tobey, Devon, England: no further information available at this time.

Trevor Poulson Trevor Poulson, Brisbane, Australia: private breeder in Brisbane, Australia. The collection was sold after his death.

Usuba Hisanaga Usuba Hisanaga: no further information available at this time.

Valter Eugenio Saia – Valter Eugenio Saia, Marília, Brazil: private breeder in Brazil. Active breeding since 1987. The inheritance of his grandfather contained four to five different native Schlumbergera truncata, in the colors: white with pink color, pinkish at the tips and white core, fuchsia (or Solferino) or variance, orange with pink core and red. From that base, crosses resulted in 200–300 different plant and color combinations. The crosses are unnamed until now, besides one, the ‘Pearl of Marília’. An albino form. Breeding still continues. Aim is to explore the total color variation available in Schlumbergera truncata.

Vivian Filus de Oliveira – Vivian Filus de Oliveira, Brazil: cultivator and researcher of native Brazilian Schlumbergeras since 2008.

Walter Widmann Walter Widmann, Waiblingen, Germany: hobbyist from Waiblingen in southern Germany.

Watson Mrs. Watson, Padstow, Sydney, NSW: no further information available at this time.

Westfield Cacti Westfield Cacti, Devon, England: cactus nursery (since 1980) in Winkleigh, Devon, England.

Whitestone Gardens Ltd. Whitestone Gardens Ltd., England: Garden centre and Nursery in Thirsk, North Yorkshire, England.

Whitton Greenhouses Whitton Greenhouses, Camden, Delaware, USA: nursery specialized in growing Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera) and Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis) plants in pots.

Wilbraham Buckley Wilbraham Buckley, Tooting, London, England: floriculturist, who obtained (around 1840) the first cross between Schlumbergera truncata and S. russelliana. This cross is named after Buckley as S. × buckleyi.

William Morris William Morris, Newcastle, NSW, Australia: no further information available at this time.

William Tjaden William Louis Tjaden (1913–2008), Welling, Kent, England: active collector from England.

Wright Mr. Wright, Hamilton Hall, Western Australia: no further information available at this time.

Zlata Vladislavovna Metlushko – Zlata Vladislavovna Metlushko, Russia: hobby breeder with focus on shades, colors, color combinations and large-flowered hybrids.

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