ICRA Rhipsalideae – CULTIVAR NOMENCLATURE POLICY – Version 3 – January 2024
Cultivar naming policy: Many of us find peace for themselves being engaged with plants. While spending time with their plants the last thing they want to be remembered of is violence, war, discrimination etc by the name of the cultivar. The ICNCP naming conventions are clear about this: in article 21K.1. it says: “A cultivar name should not be published if its epithet might cause offence”. We have made this more specific in the document: “ICRA Rhipsalideae – CULTIVAR NOMENCLATURE POLICY – Version 3 – January 2024“. We hope for your understanding, because it can happen that for this very valid reason certain cultivar names are not acceptable to us for registration. There’re millions of nice names to choose from, so choose wisely.