‘Lavender Blue’
Photo: Charmaine Harper
Name | Synonym of | Register number | Applicant |
'Lavender Blue' | SRL-Sch-XXXX-1535 |
Hybridizer | Country | Hybridizer reference | Name giver |
Name year | Group | Growth habit | Seedling/Sport |
Pod parent | Pollen parent | Pollination year | Color |
purple |
Flower class | Flower form | Color composition | Flower size |
white_purple_purple |
Petal form | Recurved | Stamen color | Style color |
elliptic | pink | red |
Fruit color | Fruit edged | Flower description | Clades color |
narrow, acutely tipped petals have white bases, light purple- pink centers and rich lavender uppers. Tube is long and white. Stamens are white on their lower halves and flushed pink on the upper halves. Stigma is magenta pink and carried above the anthers. |
Clades size | Phylloclades form | Reference | Comments |
SRL Team | waiting for input from the community. |
Grower | Distributor |