New cultivar types and colors
In the last month we have delivered several changes to ease the use of the Schlumbergera List. The list of Colors is reduced to make them better understandable. The Types are also reduced and all cultivars are now ordered in recognizable types. There are now five types that reflect the main properties of the cultivars:
ENIG – cultivars with thick small stems and buds opening from the start.
Looking for odd things. Fat stems and surprising and intriguing buds that at the end develop into sometimes strangely formed flowers.
EXOT – cultivars with ridged (edged) stems.
Strangely formed stems coming in different sizes. Decorative even when not flowering.
ORSS – cultivars with dentate stems and broad large sized zygomorphic flowers with a spiked corona ring, showing no reflex.
If you are looking for large sized flowers in different colors and even some double ones, this is the type to go for.
RUSS – cultivars with crenate stems and pendant symmetrical flowers.
Smooth stems and nice pending flowers like two staged bells can be found here. For people who like to see balance in their plants.
TRUN – cultivars with dentate or crenated stems and small to medium sized zygomorphic flowers.
A large group of cultivars with flowers in many different forms and in many colors, They are the sturdiest growers. All plants available in shops and garden centers will fall into this category.