‘Flamingo Star’

Name | Synonym of | Register number | Applicant |
'Flamingo Star' | SRL-Sch-2023-0002 | André Norman |
Hybridizer | Country | Hybridizer reference | Name giver |
André Norman | Sweden | AN047 | André Norman |
Name year | Group | Growth habit | Seedling/Sport |
2023 | TRUN | upright | seedling |
Pod parent | Pollen parent | Pollination year | Color |
'Kathy Gonaert' | 'Branca Dobrada' | 2019 | pink |
Flower class | Flower form | Color composition | Flower size |
double | symmetrical | white_pink_pink | S |
Petal form | Recurved | Stamen color | Style color |
lanceolate | no | pink | red |
Fruit color | Fruit edged | Flower description | Clades color |
color unknown | no | small, double, pink flowers have petals with sharp apexes. Petals are a pink tinted white from bases to lower centers. Upper areas are bright pink. Stamens are limited in number. Stigmas and styles are thick and twisted. Apical petals can morph into a style form. |
Clades size | Phylloclades form | Reference | Comments |
M | dentate | SRL Registration | medium size phylloclades have 3 small, forward facing dentations along each margin. Upper dentations are larger while basal dentations have a scallop appearance. Areole notches are small and shallow. Some phylloclades exhibit extra apical dentation. |
Grower | Distributor |