Schlumbergera Hybrid

‘Golden Sombrero’


NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
'Golden Sombrero'SRL-Sch-2023-0003André Norman
HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
André NormanSwedenAN046André Norman
Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport
Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
'Frony''Branca Dobrada'2019yellow
Flower classFlower formColor compositionFlower size
Petal formRecurvedStamen colorStyle color
Fruit colorFruit edgedFlower descriptionClades color
color unknownyessmall, yellow, pendant, bell-like flowers display broad, sharply tipped petals. Bases to mid centers are white. Upper petal areas are bright yellow. Stigma streaking is evident on some of the upper petals. Stamen count is low.
Clades sizePhylloclades formReferenceComments
MdentateSRL Registrationmedium size phylloclades have 4-5, forward facing, acutely tipped dentations per marginal side. Areole notching varies from midly steep to shallow.
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