‘Nombre d’Or’

Name | Synonym of | Register number | Applicant |
'Nombre d'Or' | SRL-Sch-2024-0026 | Naoki Akashi |
Hybridizer | Country | Hybridizer reference | Name giver |
André Norman | Sweden | Naoki Akashi |
Name year | Group | Growth habit | Seedling/Sport |
2024 | ORSS | pendant | seedling |
Pod parent | Pollen parent | Pollination year | Color |
'Branca Dobrada' | 'Frony' | 2020 | yellow |
Flower class | Flower form | Color composition | Flower size |
zygomorphic | white_yellow_yellow | XL |
Petal form | Recurved | Stamen color | Style color |
lanceolate | no | white | red |
Fruit color | Fruit edged | Flower description | Clades color |
color unknown | no | extra large yellow flowers with petal bases and throats white suffusing medium yellow at lower petal. Petal apexes acutely pointed, basal petal apexes moderately pointed. Tube white, stigma purple, pollen light yellow, ovary receptacle medium green. |
Clades size | Phylloclades form | Reference | Comments |
M | dentate | ICRA Registration | medium sized clades exhibiting medium green color. Two dentations per margin, areole notches moderately steep, dentations forward facing. Named from 'golden ratio' in French. It was associated from flower form. |
Grower | Distributor |
André Norman | Naoki Akashi |