Schlumbergera Hybrid

‘Schwarzwald Julie Cramer’

Schlumbergera 'Schwarzwald Julie Cramer'
Photo: Gerhard Buys
NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
'Schwarzwald Julie Cramer'SRL-Sch-XXXX-1168Gerhard Buys
HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
Gerhard BuysSouth AfricaGerhard Buys
Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport
Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
'Kathy Gonaert''Bristol Amber'pink
Flower classFlower formColor compositionFlower size
Petal formRecurvedStamen colorStyle color
Fruit colorFruit edgedFlower descriptionClades color
standard to large sized flowers have dark fuchsia-pink margins blending into pristine white inner petals. Petals are narrow with a sharp apex, width 0.8 –1.0cm.
Clades sizePhylloclades formReferenceComments
SRL Registrationsharply dentate phylloclades on a plant with a sturdy upright growth habit. Becomes pendant with age. Very profuse flowering, fast growing with good disease resistance. Plant was named for Gerhard Buys' late friend, Julie Cramer who lived near the Black Forest in Germany.
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