Rhipsalidopsis Hybrid



NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant

HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
CB Cactus Breeding I/SDenmark/Netherlands

Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport

Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
pod parent unknownpollen parent unknownred

Color temperature sensitiveFlower lengthFlower widthPetal form

RecurvedStamen colorStyle colorFruit color

Fruit edgedFlower descriptionPhylloclades lengthPhylloclades width
solid scarlet blooms with lanceolate, acutely tipped petals. Pink filaments incurve around the style. Stigma is white with 5 lobes. Frontal view petal count is 13. Flower width is 5 cm.

PBR; SRL Teamdark green phylloclades are oval, lightly scalloped with 1-2 fine bristles in the 3 lateral areole axils per side. The linear axil is rounded with more numerous fine bristles. New growth is a bronzy amber green.

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