Schlumbergera Hybrid

‘Winter Glory’


NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
'Winter Glory'SRL-Sch-2024-0030Ruud Tropper
HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
Ruud TropperNetherlandsPG2355Ruud Tropper
Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport
Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
'Winter Sun''Sangeeta'2020pink
Flower classFlower formColor compositionFlower size
Petal formRecurvedStamen colorStyle color
Fruit colorFruit edgedFlower descriptionClades color
color unknownyeslarge medium pink flowers with petal bases white suffusing an even medium pink throughout the petal, with margins darker pink. Petals are round with basal petals slightly cupped, apex petals heavily cupped around the stamens and sigma giving the appearance of a round ball shape. Adding to this unique shape is the addition of filled margins. Basal petal margins exhibit slight frilling, apex petals exhibit strongly frilled margins giving an overall ruffled look. Tube white, pollen yellow, stigma purple, ovary receptacle green. This is a most unique and beautiful cultivar, a breakthrough in breeding.
Clades sizePhylloclades formReferenceComments
MdentateICRA Registrationmedium size, medium green phylloclades with two, forward facing dentations per margin. Areole notches are shallow to mildly steep.
Ruud TropperRuud Tropper
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