Schlumbergera Hybrid

‘Little Sockeye’


NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
'Little Sockeye'SRL-Sch-XXXX-0757
HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
Lee Gordon GoodfellowCanadaLee Gordon Goodfellow
Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport
Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
'Louanna Lunde''Eva Marie McKeen'red
Flower classFlower formColor compositionFlower size
Petal formRecurvedStamen colorStyle color
Fruit colorFruit edgedFlower descriptionClades color
orange-red margins and lighter centers suffuse toward a silvery white throat and base center. Tubes are silvery white. Flower length is 6 cm. and 5.1 cm. in width. The receptacle is oval and smooth.
Clades sizePhylloclades formReferenceComments
SRL Teamphylloclades are 2.9–3.2 cm. in length and 1.6–1.9 cm. in width. The plant is very similar to sibling 'Little Fire', except the side dentations are less pronounced. Sown March 2013.
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