Rhipsalidopsis Hybrid

‘Makoyanum’ [Ellery]


NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
'Makoyanum' [Ellery]SRL-Rhi-XXXX-324

HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver

Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport

Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
pod parent unknownpollen parent unknownorange

Flower classColor compositionFlower sizePetal form

RecurvedStamen colorStyle colorFruit color

Fruit edgedFlower descriptionClades colorClades size
orange with reddish petal tips. 6 cm. in length, 6 cm. width. Oblanceolate petals with broad bases and pointed tips. Frontal view petal count is 12. Pistil is a yellowish orange with 6 white stigma lobes. Filaments are pale, creamy apricot. Ovary is 1 cm., 5 ribbed, amber on a rotate daisy shape.

E.B. Hoare Notes: B1-9long, yellowish green to mid green phylloclades up to 7 cm. in length with fine, long bristles in all areoles, longer, 1.5 cm. bristles in the large rounded linear areole. Note: not the species R. gaertneri var. makoyanum of textbooks.

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