Schlumbergera Hybrid


NameSynonym ofRegister numberApplicant
HybridizerCountryHybridizer referenceName giver
Des & Merriel ElleryAustralia
Name yearGroupGrowth habitSeedling/Sport
Pod parentPollen parentPollination yearColor
S. truncata var. delicata'Ben'1976red
Flower classFlower formColor compositionFlower size
Petal formRecurvedStamen colorStyle color
Fruit colorFruit edgedFlower descriptionClades color
light apricot orange with a pale tube. Des Ellery description: light orange, silky petals. Mauve petal bases and columns (tubes).
Clades sizePhylloclades formReferenceComments
Des Ellery Note Card BV28; Cactus & Succulent Journal NSW December 1990; McM&H 1995: 138
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